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Talk Therapy — $130

Online only. Adults (18+) residing in Texas.

Private pay & insurance accepted.

Therapy sessions are typically weekly or bi-weekly for 50 minutes.

Anxiety, depression, substance use/addiction, stress management, self-image issues, mood disorders, interpersonal struggles, and childhood or generational trauma.

After the initial assessment is completed, treatment plans are created, collaboratively, with personalized care for each individual’s unique needs.

For more information, visit the Therapy page.

BQH Session — $200

Online only. Adults (18+) worldwide.

Private payment only, insurance not accepted.

Beyond Quantum Healing sessions range from 120 minutes to 270 minutes. Pricing starts at $200 (120 minutes) and $50 for additional 30 minute increments.

Common reasons for a BQH session: personal or spiritual growth, greater awareness and understanding of yourself, shifts in mindsets, enhanced confidence and empowerment, experiencing past life memories, healing mind+body+soul, and personal transformation.

For more information about BQH sessions and pricing, visit the BQH page.

“Talk therapy is not the only way to reach growth and healing. BQH is an alternative form of therapy, for those on a spiritual path, that can offer powerful insights, and personal or spiritual transformational outcomes.”

— Heather, Owner/Therapist & BQH Practitioner at Inner Balance Healing, PLLC

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